I've had a scientific altantic 8300HD digital box upstairs connected to a DELL LCD via HDMI, no issues.
We just finished our basement and now that the projector is up and running (Panasonic AX-100U) figured it was time to bring the digital box downstairs. I use a Denon avr-2805 for a/v.
Up to now I've had the xbox attached, no issues. Now that I've attached the digital box, I get a scrolling horizontal line (from top to bottom across the whole screen). I have it setup to use component and optical cable. I tried all 3 component inputs on the denon and the line remains. I switched to s-video instead, to see if it was the cable (and I tried a different component cable, no luck) and the s-video does the same.
Any ideas what to try next. Unfortuantely, my denon does not have a hdmi input.