Anything is possible. Time to do some troubleshooting, one step ata time.
First off, I'm assuming this is a new problem. It's didn't start on day one.
Second, since it's a direct link from the DVD to the PJ, you can rule out the receiver. That's one step accomplished.
Now, we have to try to isolate the culprit and the only way to do that is by process of elimination.
Do you have any other sources feeding the PJ? If so, does it black out with them? If so, then it pretty much points to the PJ. If not, then it's back to the drawing board.
I'd next try to swap out, or at least readjust, the HDMI cable. As Mtry suggested, the length and solidarity of the connections may be an issue. I know my HDMI sometimes gets loosened by the gremlins with the tiniest shift and I have to reinsert it, at least on the DVD side.
If it ain't the cable, and it ain't the PJ, that leaves only one possibility and it may be time to "test run" a new unit. Pay by CC, keep all materials and keep it pristine. If the problem goes away you know it's the old unit and you've already got a replacement. If not, then pack it up, take it back and get the charge reversed.
Other than that, I'm outta ideas.