So I have a research methodology course who's basis is psychological research this year. We are finishing up our whole class assignment and are going to be given free reign to come up with a research question of our own. Naturally I thought of this hobby and all the various tests that can be done. I figured a college campus would be a great population to work with as most people I would include likely spend most of their time listening to compressed and completely dynamic-less music.
I am trying to come up with a good research question that I can apply to a smallish sample size. I will likely try to have n=50 or so. More if there is time.
So far I have a couple I would like to test I just need to decide:
1) I could go the easy route and have people listen at SPL X, SPL X+5, SPL X+10 to see which is more liked.
2) I could use a very dynamic song and compare to the same song but compressed as done in the loosing battle the loudness wars.
As you can see I haven't put my full thought into this
yet, but am in a preliminary planning stage. Any other suggestions/opinions would be great as I have some time before my proposal is due. Currently I am trying to focus that can be done on portable media as I carry my laptop with me to class and this would allow me to get a larger sample size. The only "problem" is I would need to get a nice pair of headphones for the job
