I cant resist sharing a story about a model home I visited yesterday. I live in an area surrounded by new home construction, and I often take the opportunity to tour model homes. The home I toured yesterday was a very nice upscale home (an over 5,000sqft+ home) with top of the line fixtures/finishings from floor to ceiling, and it came with a surprise......... a custom designed theater!!
My first impression was....
"Wow, what a beautiful room!!", but I soon realized there is more to this theater than just looks. In fact, the theater was complete rubbish!! It had cheap (and very small)
bottom of the line in-wall JBL's across the front, and the surrounds were tiny in-ceilings mounted 10ft high and far to the rear. The subwoofer was this little JBL thing that couldn't have been much larger than a breadbox

I mean c'mon....this home had the finest of everything, and no money was spared down to the very last detail.....and then there was this hideous junk theater.
The room itself was beautiful to look at: dark maroon wallpaper, recessed black ceiling with recessed lighting, really sweet seating, and an attractively framed framed screen. The room itself was a nightmarish echo-chamber with absolutely no consideration given to room acoustics. If you clapped your hands, the ringing and echo's seemed to linger on for minutes.
Granted, it was just a model, but considering this is such a high dollar home built with all the finest finishings, couldn't they have incorporated acoustic treatments in the construction?? Or maybe.....How about speakers of better quality than a HTIB?
It left me shaking my head....the builder probably spent more $$ on the master bathroom fixtures or on the granite counter tops in the bar/pool table room than he did on all of the theater components combined. The theater was beautiful to look at, but beyond the looks.....it was hideous in every way. The component closet was locked, so I didn't get to see the audio rack. I also couldn't get to, or see what kind of PJ was installed, but I'd be willing to bet it's a bottom of the line Costco model....LOL
I'll have to admit, the layout was spectacular!! You walked down a very wide winding staircase down to the theater room. The seating was a large "U" shaped continuous arc that was large enough to seat at least 6-8. Segments were individual recliners, and others were couch-like. The theater was completely secluded and by itself, and in the next room......was a large bar/kitchen area/game room. The layout was spectacular, but the builder completely dropped the ball on the theater.