$399 40Gig PS3 confirmed?



Audioholic Jedi
According to this article, it is:

Having just denied the existence of a low cost, entry level PS3, we weren't expecting to find a new PS3 model from Sony parked in the FCC exhibits list this morning. That's right, a new PlayStation 3 model CECHG01 was just unearthed. The juiciest of documents are all withheld upon Sony's request for confidentiality. However, we did manage to scrape up a few details: Bluetooth 2.0+EDR; 802.11b/g WiFi; a 3.2GHz CPU clock speed just like other PS3s; 66MHz ATA, 133MHz ATA, 33MHz PCI and 750MHz SATA1; and a bevy of ports including USB, HDMI, and Ethernet. At least that what it looks like after combing through the data. Nothing new, eh? So the reason for the new model number is likely the result of a hard disk change given Sony's preference for unique models reflecting changes in storage. However, for all we know that could be an increase and not a decrease in capacity so we'll all have to hold tight for now and watch this unfold.


Full Audioholic
If recent history is anything to go by, the fact that Sony denies it just confirms it.


Senior Audioholic
I wouldn't take one for free.

Well, yah I would. Then sell it.


Audioholic Spartan
At least the 360 has games.
To be played as soon as it gets back from the shop.

I checked on J&R's website. They have almost 100 games for the PS3 for sale. That seems like a good start.
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Senior Audioholic
Your point? It has been out longer...so I don't follow your logic. The PS2 has games too and it still outsells the 360 as does the Wii.
That arguement's flawed. Namely because of the Wii. It's been out for as long as the PS3, and outsells them all.

The PS3's dead to me. I can understand a console having a rough start, but a year? Yah, it's a flop.


Full Audioholic
Just a heads up Waffle...

"the PS3 is matching the Xbox 360’s first year sales"

This is from http://www.roughlydrafted.com/RD/TechQ307/Entries/2007/8/25_Nintendo_Wii_vs_Sony_PlayStation_3_vs_Microsoft_Xbox_360:_Q2_2007.html

And Sony was able to match the 360's sales while going against the 360 and Wii...

...the 360 was the only "next gen" choice when they came out and still, their first year numbers equal Sony's.

Interesting, no?

I made the choice to buy a 360 at the very end of 2006. If I could go back in time and change my purchase, I would. After dealing with a failed 360 (not to mention, the other 6 people I know who own a 360 who also ALL had theirs fail) I truly regret my decision.

As far as the companies go, I really don't like either Sony or MS.

They can both go and F themselves for all I care. I just have a sickness...

...I need to wind down after working by playing a video game or two (or 3 or 4). If I didn't need that, I wouldn't own a console. Period.

And I am not that impressed by these so called "next gen" games. Gears of War was so prominently hyped, I was so disappointed with how shallow and small the game really was. I enjoyed it, but once it was done, it was done. Finito. Fin. Over. MLB2k7, Madden 08, APF2k8...all these had the positives, which generally revolved around graphics, but the gameplay was lacking when compared to recent PS2 counterparts of similar sports games, and the glitches and lack of product testing should be embarassing to these gaming companies. Pathetic.

The only game I really loved is available on both (and runs much smoother on PS3) and that is Oblivion.

I am looking forward to Assassin's Creed & GTA mostly, and they are on both systems. I would like to play Halo 3, but what is the point of buying it when the machine you play it on fails at an extremely high rate?

Not to mention the LE Halo 3 box has a design flaw and the discs don't stay attached to the nub inside, causing both to become loose and scratch each other up to the point where they are nearly all unplayable. MS just can't get too much right.


Audioholic Jedi
That arguement's flawed. Namely because of the Wii. It's been out for as long as the PS3, and outsells them all.

The PS3's dead to me. I can understand a console having a rough start, but a year? Yah, it's a flop.
That's pretty funny, because that is what we said about the original Xbox and the 360 in the first year too.

And the PS2 as well... Yes, the Wii has less games than the PS3 or the 360 and outsells them both.... does that mean the Wii is a better piece of gear? Still not seeing your point...


Senior Audioholic
Just a heads up Waffle...

"the PS3 is matching the Xbox 360’s first year sales"
So, it caught up with the 360's sales between November and December? lol

That's pretty funny, because that is what we said about the original Xbox and the 360 in the first year too.

And the PS2 as well... Yes, the Wii has less games than the PS3 or the 360 and outsells them both.... does that mean the Wii is a better piece of gear? Still not seeing your point...
Do you actually play games? Wait, you have a PS3, so that would be a no.


Full Audioholic
So, it caught up with the 360's sales between November and December? lol
What? You can say you don't own anything and aren't a fanboy, but my god, you sure sound like one. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck...well...


Audioholic Spartan
for $399 I may get one, but anything over that I'd have to pass.

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