UN-Official Formula 1 Thread



The FOM and Bernie believe any news about F1 is good news because the name is in the headlines. It may attract some people to the sport who want to find out what is going on and it may push some people away. F1 has always had politics, I think that is a small part of what is so intriguing about it. I am glad that the FIA game McLaren a penalty like they did, a stricter one would have been appreciated (meaning including the driver's title), but it shows the world/outsiders that F1 does not allow cheating.

I like the idea of a 10 race ban though. That would have been sweet. It would affect McLaren this year and next.

A big part of me thinks that the driver's were not excluded simply for the fact that it makes for a good show.


Now that news Ron Dennis tipped the FIA about the Emails between Coughlin, Delarosa[sp?] and Alonso has come out what do you think the chances of Pedro's employment in F1 are?..I've got a feeling Alonso tried to blackmail Dennis into releasing him from the second year of his contract so he could return to Renault and Ron decided he wasn't going to have any of that so he did the right thing and took Fernando's bargining chip away by telling the FIA about the Email's.
I love the high tech state of the art cars but, I'm done with F1, until it stops being a high tech dog and pony show with very little racing being done, every race seems to be done in a No Passing Zone after the first turn.
F1 has become the most fan UNfriendly racing in the world. politics and gamesmanship have always been in all forms of racing but this takes it to a new level.


Everybody knows that Bernie wants Ferrari to win because it's good business. Also, the feud between Bernie and Dennis is old news. Some insiders say that Bernie wants to destroy Dennis before his retirement, and he took this opportunity to do it. But anybody in Ron Dennis's possition has to be a very tough person, so he'll be back with a vengeance.
I feel that speculation about who knew what is just that, I don't think us outsiders will ever know the truth. I read the whole thing and I don't think it was established (at least officially) whether or not McLaren used the stolen data.
As much as F1 without Ferrari wouldn't be the same, I feel McLaren's place in the sport is second to none. If they chose to compete elsewhere it's not going to be good for either party.
What is clear is that F1 is more political than ever, and seriously needs to reinvent itself. 15 out of 18 races are boring processions every year.
The qualifying process puts the fastest cars at the front, and then at race time we expect something magical will happen and the slower cars will suddenly become competitive... Since Harry Potter is not a Spyker driver, things will continue to be the same way. Other racing series have seriously looked at ways to even the play field and improve the show, and I think F1 needs to follow suit. Now that there won't be a USGP next year, those of us U.S. based long time fans will continue to gradually lose interest and start to look at (gasp!) IRL for open wheel racing- Which by the way, if IRL and CHAMP merge and it becomes an international, open wheel, combining road and oval tracks, competitive series, it may give F1 a good run for their (tons of) money.
I went off on a tangent, I know, but as a recap I'll just say that F1 will only be competitive again if all the teams have similar resources or they find ways to make it harder for the fastest cars to win races, be it a weight handicap like in horse racing, or intermingle the starting positions... I don't know.

EDIT: minutes after writing all this, I read this:


it seems clear that McLaren did use the information to their advantage, so they should be penalized. US$100M seems excessive, but with the kind of money these teams have it may be a fair amount.
The only reason why the drivers may still compete for the driver's title is because they were granted immunity for information given to FIA. It's ironic that what started with a (supposedly disgruntled) Ferrari employee passing secret information, ended virtually giving Ferrari the constructor's title. Kind of makes you wonder if Stepney was a double agent all along.
I stand by all my diatribe about the lack of competitiveness in the sport.
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Belgian Grand Prix

Well, Ferrari has the front row after qualifying in Belgium. Let's see if they can keep it through the race.


Audioholic Ninja
Well they did it, the prancing horses came in 1st and 2nd. Good for them after all they put up with.:)


Only two points between Hamilton and Alonso!!
By the way, the $100M fine will in fact be a $30M since $70M will be discounted from the share of the F1 annual earnings. Not as terrible for McLaren as I thought.
Next year looks more competitive if rumors about Alonso going back to Renault turn out to be true, and if BMW and Williams get their $#!T together. I'm also curious about what Bourdais will bring to Red Bull, er, I mean Toro Rosso.


Perhaps the biggest thing that will hurt McLaren next year will be the very small garages and lack of choice at which end of the pit lane they will be at. It can hamper their race stategies a bit.


Alonso looks set to get his 3rd World Championship though. Even if Kimi can take 4 points off of him every race for the rest of the season it will not be enough. He needs a Hamilton and Alonso DNF to really make it work. He is still in it mathematically and winning every race MUST be achieved for him to get the WDC. As long as Hamilton finishes 4th or lower for every race he can eclipse him. Alonso must finish 3rd or lower for two races and at least 4th or lower for one. Kimi would win a tie breaker if he wins the remaning races due to a race win advantage.

It is a long shot but it could happen. My fingers are crossed. I just hope Kimi races the remaining three like he did at Spa.


Audioholic Ninja
Alonso looks set to get his 3rd World Championship though. Even if Kimi can take 4 points off of him every race for the rest of the season it will not be enough. He needs a Hamilton and Alonso DNF to really make it work. He is still in it mathematically and winning every race MUST be achieved for him to get the WDC. As long as Hamilton finishes 4th or lower for every race he can eclipse him. Alonso must finish 3rd or lower for two races and at least 4th or lower for one. Kimi would win a tie breaker if he wins the remaning races due to a race win advantage.

It is a long shot but it could happen. My fingers are crossed. I just hope Kimi races the remaining three like he did at Spa.


Senior Audioholic
Next year looks more competitive if rumors about Alonso going back to Renault turn out to be true, and if BMW and Williams get their $#!T together. I'm also curious about what Bourdais will bring to Red Bull, er, I mean Toro Rosso.
Renault really have to get their stuff together if they expect to sign Alonso next season.

IMO, BMW and Williams (especially Nico Rosberg and Robert Kubica) have been the great surprises of this season. I hope their good fortune continues into next year. But of course next year will be new cars, new challenges, and no traction control (I think that'll make everything interesting). It will be enjoyable to see which team will be the first to adjust.

I think Toro Rosso were stupid for getting rid of Scott Speed. He was definately a better driver than his teammate, and the stats prove it. It must have been some internal squabble or intra-ream politics that brought and early end to his F1 career.


Without traction control, the good drivers will be that much better than the rest. They simply have better car control. I see Kimi, Alonso, Hamilton, Heidfeld, Button, Rosberg a few others having really good seasons next year. I think Button will surprise given a fairly competitive car. If any of the top drivers has an issue it could be Alonso as he is a bit more agressive. Adrian Sutil could surprise as well. Look what he was doing with the Spyker at Spa!:eek:

Being smooth is the name of the game with no TC. Agressive throttle and steering tactics will/can hurt laptimes without TC. That is why I love to see the brake throttle telemetry from the drivers. You can see who is smoother or more aggressive and relying on TC.


Audioholic Spartan
Without traction control, the good drivers will be that much better than the rest. They simply have better car control. I see Kimi, Alonso, Hamilton, Heidfeld, Button, Rosberg a few others having really good seasons next year. I think Button will surprise given a fairly competitive car. If any of the top drivers has an issue it could be Alonso as he is a bit more agressive. Adrian Sutil could surprise as well. Look what he was doing with the Spyker at Spa!:eek:

Being smooth is the name of the game with no TC. Agressive throttle and steering tactics will/can hurt laptimes without TC. That is why I love to see the brake throttle telemetry from the drivers. You can see who is smoother or more aggressive and relying on TC.

Smooth is key. I look at who can drive fast in the rain as one indicator.



Anyone staying up late tomorrow to watch Free Practice live from the Fuji Circuit???


I have a life, sort of :D

However, since it has been over a week since F1 has been on, I will probably stay up to watch some of it to get an idea of who looks to be on top this weekend (please be Ferrari). I may watch live timing for 1st practice to see where things are at and then check out 2nd practice in the morning. It depends upon how tired I feel. Friday night I will be up for sure for Quali and Saturday night for the race.


I was cruising the Speed F1 forums and have found out that Ferrari have reportedly had a breakthrough and improved the mechanical grip on the car. They also are introducing an aero update as well.


I hope this bodes well for them in the next few races. Kimi on top for all three, Massa second in at least two, Alonso no higher than 1 second place, and Hamilton off the podium for all but one will gve Kimi his first championship. I know, it is a long shot but I can hope. ;)

A DNF for either one or both McLaren drivers would be a SERIOUS boost.

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