Audioholic Ninja
While this might not be the most representative sample of the population or possibly even a valid questionare that can really be generalized to the masses from my experience it seems dead on.
Best Buy recently conducted a phone poll on the average consumer and what they knew about HD and the results are saddening for enthusiasts like us, but not too surprising if you have ever talked to someone who wasn't into this hobby about HD. Barely half of the people they talked to didn't know HD content was needed to actually get HD most just budget for a display and assume that is enough!
Even less surprising but just as sad is more than half didn't realize a full audio set up is needed for multichannel sound. This is exactly why both Blu-ray and HD DVD are going to care a general lack of knowledge/care on the subject!
No matter how you look at this it is just sad. People are buying HDTVs like mad and have no idea what the point is hence why so many people are hung up on 1080P. Hopefully people start opening their eyes, but that is doubtful
The article.
Best Buy recently conducted a phone poll on the average consumer and what they knew about HD and the results are saddening for enthusiasts like us, but not too surprising if you have ever talked to someone who wasn't into this hobby about HD. Barely half of the people they talked to didn't know HD content was needed to actually get HD most just budget for a display and assume that is enough!
No matter how you look at this it is just sad. People are buying HDTVs like mad and have no idea what the point is hence why so many people are hung up on 1080P. Hopefully people start opening their eyes, but that is doubtful
The article.