Plasma most definitely maintains an edge on overall image quality, but lcd is a safe bet when stores are selling.
1. LCD is a lot lighter - it's easier for people to move around, hang on walls, etc. I recently installed a 46" LCD by myself - no help when it came time to hang it on the wall mount. No way could I do that with plasma.
2. LCD is brighter - always a plus for a room the sales person hasn't seen before.
3. LCD is anti-glare - once again, since the sales guy doesn't see the room, it makes it safer to sell into LCD than plasma.
4. No burn-in - As good as plasma is, I still wouldn't want to play 10 or 20 hours of the same game with a score card in the corner, on a plasma TV. It just still has that potential for burn-in.
Plasma on the other hand still manages motion better, has better color accuracy, and off axis, maintains image uniformity far better.
Oh, and above 52" the LCD pickings start to get very slim - and VERY expensive.
When I buy, likely later this year, it will be another plasma.