I am wondering if anyone here has ever heard of "China Audio"? NOT the country, China, but a Japanese person's last name (pronounced Chee Na).
This guy, Mr. China made 3 different speakers in Okinawa and I am trying to find a way to get some. He also made amps.
I have been out of the audio game for over 10 years, so I cannot remember how to describe the speakers other than to say they sounded great and that they were pyramid shaped, somewhat, not a drastic difference from the base to the top, but the sound carried across the room so that you could have them at a volume that you could carry on conversations right next to the speakers, as well as across the room and the sound seemed to be at the same level. I guess the only speakers i have personally heard that had this type of sound were Bose 901's.
I know this is a shot in the dark, but I cannot find out any more information on this Mr. China. Every search i do China the name is confused with China the country.
I know he did not sell a lot of these, they are hand made, but the large pairs of speakers were in the $2000 range in 1990's and I believe came with one of his amps.
If I get info on these, I will post more, but I would love to get a set of his medium or large speakers. My friend had them in his night club and they sounded amazing. I cannot get in touch with my friend, and short of flying to Okinawa, I would like to find a way to get these speakers.
Thanks, and sorry for the odd post.