It may be that sorry old dolby digital. Check out this quote from Audio Video Revolution:
"The quasi-bad news about the DVD version of "Reservoir Dogs" is that, lack of extras aside, it isn’t the prettiest boy on the block. To be sure, part of this is faithful to the release print – although the movie was made in 1991, its processing looks like something out of the ‘70s, with slighted washed-out, faded hues. The print is at least commendably clean.
The sound is advertised as 5.1, which in this instance means that the dialogue is in the center, sound effects and score are strong in the mains and more gently maintained in the rears, with no directional work. Chapter 5 brings a pronounced improvement in the center channel dialogue track, although there seems to be a slight bit of crackling that accompanies the bloody rasping of Roth’s critically injured character."