Yeah, winters in the Great White North leave a lot to be desired, like warmth. Spent last winter here in Calgary and it was brutal. Coming from Victoria British Columbia where winter in non-existent and exists only as a short respite from summer.
Have to get down in the crawl space and get out my parka soon since we had our first flakes a couple of days ago.
Hmmmmmmm..... maybe I will find some old audio equip I can play with
I know what you mean. I saw it three times in the theatre, once by myself, once with the wife and once with the kids, and thought it was awesome. I could almost hear the bass thumping out of my new SVS when the HT space is done

. Pre-ordered two copies from FutureShop as they have an exclusive limited-edition steel book case, one with the Autobots logo and one with the Decipticons logo. Could decide which side to be on so I ordered them both. Still have to get one for the kids as a sacrificial copy as it will be scratched in about 5min.
Update: For any that are interested they still have 30 of each of the above available at the FutureShop website
Cheers all and have a great winter