Don't be so hung up on this "1080p" buzz word. Keep in mind, there's only limited HighDef material out there for viewing...Blu-ray, HD-DVD, and HD cable/Satellite. It's far from commonplace in the consumer marketplace.
There's so much more to consider for a panel than just pure resolution numbers. Such as contrast, video processing, life-like colour reproduction etc. Viewing distance is another consideration. If you're buying a 50" or less panel and you're more than 9 feet away, you're wasting your money for 1080p!!
I've seen for myself a Pioneer 720p Elite panel beside the top end Panny comparison!! Don't get me wrong, the Panasonic is a great TV, but it doesn't stack up to a Pioneer. Now, you're talking high end cash for a Pioneer, but the point is, it's a superior panel even at 720p. Why? Beacuse of the points mentioned above...fantastic blacks, excellent processors, the truest colour you'll get from any panel etc.
Remember, 720p is STILL HighDef!!!