Hi all, first post here although I have visited for over a year. I have a question regarding the ability to hook up Directv HD to a 3 year old panasonic RPTV. The model is a PT-47X54 that has 1 HDMI input.It also supports 1080i. From looking at Directvs website it looks like the model numbers of there sat boxes are HR20 or H20. Would there be any compatibility issues with the hookup?The reason I ask is because of the different versions(?) of HDMI and I have read of some compatibility issues between components. I would also like to hook up an Oppo DV-980H to the TV as well. I know I would have to get an HDMI switcher and was looking at one at monoprice. I bought a RX-V659 last year and of course it does not have HDMI inputs/outputs. Right now a new TV would be at least a year off since I just purchased a new 5.1 setup and spent double what I initially budgeted. Thanks