As has been pointed out many times Blu has a 5-1 advantage in hardware and has had a 50% advantage is studio support yet only out sells HD 2 to 1. As far "has consistantly done so" you might want modify that to "since early this year" as HD out sold BD by the same 2 to 1 last year.
Yes, but how does that relate to a studio? I mean, for hardware manufacturers who may be competing with PS3, this matters a great deal. But, it's still Paramount giving up 66% of their HD sales - by far the majority - in the hopes that HD DVD will do better? HD DVD may do better because of this decision, but that is the first decision all year which would make HD DVD sales increase beyond 33% of that which Blu-ray has delivered.
Yes, consistently, this year. Last year the pre-PS3, Sony, Pioneer, Panasonic numbers had HD DVD well ahead of Blu-ray - far more than 2-1 actually. Since PS3 release, Blu-ray saw about a 8 fold increase in sales, pushing their numbers ahead firmly, and consistenly, for the year.
You can read an interview from Paramount's CTO at
this link regarding Paramount and DreamWorks exclusive with HD DVD.
Except it reads more like marketing and avoids the topics that people actually wonder about. Even with a direct question, the answer would not be direct. Actually, the article starts off with them saying that they don't discuss the details of these types of deals.
Well, you only have deals when someone is writing something up to make it a deal... Which is exactly what we want to hear about.
For the MS consiracy crowd MS has publicly stated that they did not pay for this directly nor indirectly.
Yes, and Microsoft said that Windows XP was going to be bug free.
Seriously, 'pay for this' can be interpreted many different ways and has a million potential meanings. Microsoft could be giving free advertising, it isn't a monetary exchange, therefore it isn't payment.
You know that it is payment, I know it's payment, Microsoft knows that it is payment, but it isn't cash, therefore it is deemed 'not a payment'. This transaction screams Microsoft.