dunno for sure, but...
I promise I'll behave! But seriously, I just went to log in at the av123 forum and I was informed that I had been banned. The wierd thing is, I'VE NEVER EVEN POSTED THEIR!!! I just spent a grand on Onix speakers and was looking forward to spending some time on their forum. Hope things go a little better for me over here.
... I've heard tell that some forums now require an ISP based email address. This means no more "freebie" emails such as hotmail, yahoo and perhaps others. It does allow "subscriber" based email accounts such as Comcast, MSN (I believe) and others.
By doing this, it can minimize spamming.
Of course, this might be totally bogus. It's just a guess and I don't even know your email address.
Oh, welcome to the machine.