Do you guys really think both formats will fail? Or perhaps, universal players will make it so it doesn't matter what kind of disc you put in? I am guessing that this war will be similar to the DVD+R and DVD-R computer feud from a few years back. You can walk into the store, buy both formats of media, and it doesn't even matter. Studios will probably gravitate to one format or the other instead of publishing on both, and it won't matter what kind of disc you buy, because your player will play both, along with the old school DVDs.
It am guessing it won't fall out like SACD and DVD-Audio. I mean, you have to have some really good audio hardware to take advantage of that stuff. You couldn't just walk into Best Buy and get the hardware for those disc formats. You CAN walk into Best Buy and get TVs that show off 1080p, now, as well as players for both sides and even the LG universal player so far. The stuff isn't "cheap" but we have lots of financing deals and sales people to coerce us into the HD era.
If a winner does come, do I even care? No, I'll still have what I bought right now, and it working good at the moment. Will my discs become obsolete? Heck, if my current "format" fails, then I can sell my collection of about 10 discs on ebay to the die hards and get my money back and buy the other format anyway. *laugh*
Just pick one, maybe both, and go buy some hardware and a few movies and enjoy it now! Don't worry about the future... We all know stuff changes with audio and video all the time. Jump in! Enjoy the ride!