Buy everything somewhere else. Use your target CC for groceries and deodorant, not speakers.I have $2300 on a target CC.
Buy something pretty with a 30 day trial via the internet and return it when you are done.
Buy everything somewhere else. Use your target CC for groceries and deodorant, not speakers.I have $2300 on a target CC.
Let's start with speakers:Major, what kind of budget could I do much better with at online retailers? (I.E. better to spend $1000 at retailer X than $2300 at Target?)
That's not a bad deal at all. They also have a 50" Sony SXRD for a similar price, most of their TV's seem to be reasonably priced. As other's have said, you definately want to avoid their Audio equipment. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.Maybe there is a reason he has to use the Target credit card. I would just buy a good plasma TV with the CC and then get the SVS system that was mentioned earlier. You can get the Panasonic 50" Flat Panel HD-Ready Plasma TV ( TH50PHD9UK) for $1,649.99 at Target online and then pay cash for the SVS. I wouldnt get a PJ as you have no idea how it will "fit" into your new home.
I agree, for what it sounds like you want to do (install a HT in a house you're about to sell - which could increase the resale value), Target.com should provide you with most of the equipment to do what you want to do.If you can shop online with the card, Target.com sells more stuff than most of their stores. Some of the super targets have seperate audio components, not just home theater in a boxes, which would be "junk". But you can also get projectors from them online, and they have some nice athena & JBL speakers.
I agree, for what it sounds like you want to do (install a HT in a house you're about to sell - which could increase the resale value), Target.com should provide you with most of the equipment to do what you want to do.
As Djs mentioned, they have projectors, and fairly nice speakers (and even in-wall speakers), so I think you could make a decent home theater that will increase the value of the house, and not sound or look too bad.
However, Target.com did not look like it had any good receivers, so you would have to spend some of your own cash and buy one somewhere else.
I don't remember if this was mentioned, but as far as cables, it doesn't really matter what you buy - but you may want to go with Monster Cable, only because of the brand recognition.
Or, as Abefroeman suggested, just buy Boseeek
! It will be a huge selling point... unless the new buyers know something about audio.
Ahh, good point.... but if he sold the Bose with the house, he could double the selling price of the house!I think he is intending to take the gear with him so he should not buy BOSE!
Ahh, good point.... but if he sold the Bose with the house, he could double the selling price of the house!![]()
Or the buyer might think, "Hmmm, this guy has no taste in audio gears---not a good sign--what else is bad with this houseAhh, good point.... but if he sold the Bose with the house, he could double the selling price of the house!![]()
Frankly, if all you're looking to do is sell the house with "window dressing" a cheap HTIB and a cheap projector shining on a white painted section of the wall will blow the socks off of most average home buyers. Want to make it look fancy? Buy a cheap screen. No need for anything but a DVD of a movie playing when they tour the home.Sadly enough...that may be true![]()
You guys rock! Thank you VERY much for taking time out of your busy days to help me research. You have pointed out alot I didn't think about.
The bose idea is really a good one. It will impress Mr. and Mrs. Average Home buyer.
Great advice on the recievers, both what to buy, and what not to buy.
My initial research is leaning me toward an LG LCD in 42", the 790P model, I believe. I have read alot of great reviews. Input on this is appreciated.
ALSO** I was wrong. It is a target VISA, not a target card. So not to start all over again, but that does kinda change the rules!
I think I still would like to start with either a great TV or a great set of speakers, then build around it, and YES it will be going with me, Unless they are willing to pay for it.
I already own a commercial popcorn machine, so I am gonna do this up right! Hopefully a nicely staged home theatre will impress all parties involved.
That changes everything. First, don't even buy anything from TargetALSO** I was wrong. It is a target VISA, not a target card. So not to start all over again, but that does kinda change the rules!![]()
Yeah, it's too bad for me Costco doesn't cary DefTechWhat about Costco? They have a liberal return policy, just buy thier most expensive stuff, and reuturn it when you are done.