I'll jump in since it's my Plus. I've heard Darien's Rythmik, I've auditioned a Velo DD15 for a month and John and I built a DIY SVS Plus with a PR design. I haven't heard the PB12NSD.
My experience with any large ported design is that due to the low tuning point it's subject to room gain, especially corner loaded, in the lowest octave. If you have any sort of a suckout in the 40-60hz area, deep bass dominates upper bass and the sub, no matter how capable, sounds a bit fat and not articulate. I feel those that feel SVS falls short musically are more likely suffering from room/calibration issues than lack of capability.
Back to the differences, the Plus will hit harder and be more articulate than the NSD. Tune it to 25hz and it will get even tighter. That being said, the sealed Velo and probably the Rythmik are slightly better for music. I haven't heard Darien's stretch and so didn't get a tactile feel, but the Velo had great upper bass detail and impact, extention into the teens, just not the power or pressurization in the depths. When running non-colocated dual +s, I got flat, the upper bass snapped in. Calibrated 5 dbs down from the mains, I get extremely tight uber-bass.
If you're going to run duals, I'd think both the kits, though the Rythmik's numbers impress me more, would greatly enhance your musical and HT bass...same with the Plus. You can't lose either way.