My First Post, I have a question about speaker wires

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Why, would you like me to do it again..... Act like a moderator, or if it is different here...the rules of engagement, tell me.:D

And I am not laughing

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Seriously, I have no life.
Finally, I'll put my last post on this thread..Reseaerch? Of course I read the research. Research is to educate you, not to tell you how to think, research can be found on any topic from multiple sources that completely contradict one another. You're asking me if I believe in research, and I spend days in a lab multiplying strands of DNA. Research is a tool to be used to draw your own conclusions.
Obviously you don't read acoustic research, nor human psychology. But then, you would not be the first person who doesn't once they think they know it all. Is that baloney detection bag too heavy for you to carry home and use it in audio???

I hope that your papers in your field is better than what you seem to be posting here how you do things in audio.

And........I can hear a difference in speaker cables.
And how was this established? You would be the first on the planet to do so. People in the know want to know so the knowledge in wires can expand.
Or, you just perceived something that was imagined most likely, as it usually turns out when bias is controlled for. I take it your bias was running amok?

The questions about the tv and camera were directed toward those with high frequency hearing loss associated with the bending of the nerve-rooted hairs inside the inner ear that vibrate when in contact with sound waves, causing high frequency hearing loss. I would think it more difficult to discern minute details with hearing loss of any kind, not that changes in wire only affect the upper audible frequencies.
Well, you may think all you like. Knowing would be better that they would lose their acuity at other bands as well. And, you are giving your hearing more credit than it really deserves. You should read some papers in audio as it seems to be out of your area of expertise. This isn't DNA strand multiplying.

Sorry guys, I'm not stupid, I'm not naive enough to believe an article over my own opinion.
Your own opinion? Based on what? A flawed listening? Are you really a research scientist or just work in a lab that does DNA strand stuff??? If the former, I would have expected a lot better performance. But, same old stuff.

It's people like me who write the articles, and don't just blindly follow what other people tell me what I can hear and what I can't.
Obviously the articles are not in audio, psychology or acoustics, so, your other endeavor doesn't cut the mustard here, well out of your area it appears. Wouldn't be the first such event from scientists, if you really are one.

I'll move on now; look forward to posting and learning about other topics. :0) -LBrize
It doesn't appear you are interested in expanding your audio knowledge, or human psychology, or acoustics, so what are you expecting to learn about?

Edit: Please check my signature for a list of my current setup. A really good mid-fi system that is able to produce really good sound.
Just because you have a different system doesn't give you immunity from bias, gullibility you seem to demonstrate in audio.


Response to this subject has been adequate and I was not going to participate. I have also not read the middle part of the (repetitious) debate, so I apologise if my small contribution has been touched on by others - only if so, it would appear to have been in vain..... Nevertheless, one finds that yet again, some are fighting about matters not in question/matters that has been adequately proven. So...

Nobody is accusing anybody of lying or being of inferior hearing. Quite acceptable that what you perceive to have been audible, was in fact a genuine perception. The phrase "I believe this/that" is accurate. But that does not make it dogma. For there are as many others with different experiences, and who is to denigrate them? It is interesting, if not tragic, that those who are adamant that their ears are infallible and should not be criticised, are the first to criticise the hearing of others.

Those very "informed" members should be reminded that their homework is incomplete. The fact that the hearing of the most acute ears can be "bluffed" has been researched very well by many centres, notably some Scandanavian universities. (The research of the hearing mechanism takes place least of all to satisfy hi-fi enthusiasts; hearing and deterioration/lack of the same is a very important acoustical programme on which millions have been spent over decades in aid of the hearing impaired.)

It is in this sense that we are quite past guess-work and "belief", as proper homework on the subject would show. Most of the claims I read here on non-audibility of cables are substantiated by properly controlled blind tests. And please folks, with respect to the simplifiers/short-cutters of this matter; a proper test is not listening to A and then to B and deciding B was better. Not even after several consecutive tests! The matter of statistically proving a case connected with any of our senses (and hearing is simply just that) is time-consuming and needs to conform to certain procedures - this is a whole subject on its own.

The simplest "consumer" kind of test that has been conducted often, is to have folks listen to their satisfaction to whatever is in question, knowing what they are listening to. This is then repeated "blind", i.e. without the subject(s) knowing what they are listening to, and so often with the result that the ability to discriminate has miraculously disappeared.

The solution is that we should stop becoming personal everytime this subject comes up. In fact, it has little to do with hearing acuity; it is prevalent among a wide variety of normal people.

Finally, please do not become upset when EEs show irritation at folks desiring that they should accept the impossible. 4+7 cannot be =17; water doesn't flow uphill, just because someone is convinced that he/she has experienced it. Scientists do not know everything, but they know certain things. And pious claims that "there are wonderful things about the ear that is not known yet" is quite true - but very little of that will have to do with audio signal reproduction.

Well...I was able to get this emailed to me by a "Notable" from one of the Scandinavian universities that reviewed the findings.

Notables Quote "Mr Ampdog, You have no idea what we are talking about. There is no science in your statements, only conjectured and a taste of negative Self Fulfilled Prophecy. Please, when trying to quote me "Notable" understand basic Psych 100 and Audio 101 principles"

Wow...don't you wish life was this easy all the time...Woody Allen/Annie Hall
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Nice edit job.

I have the "Golden Ear of a God" and the patience of a Saint tonight.

If you spent a little time reading the articles on the main site you'd notice that considerable time and research has been done on speaker wire comparisons. This sites founder, Gene DellaSala, has almost made a career out of that subject.

Please feel free to read some of the materials available here.


Nice edit job.

I have the "Golden Ear of a God" and the patience of a Saint tonight.

If you spent a little time reading the articles on the main site you'd notice that considerable time and research has been done on speaker wire comparisons. This sites founder, Gene DellaSala, has almost made a career out of that subject.

Please feel free to read some of the materials available here.
I have read it....sorry, don't drink the koolaid. I don't mix Church with Porn and I don't mix Psychology with Audio. It is all dogma;)
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
...but then I called my escort service, err I mean installer, and he brought some kimber kable, she got me up and running in no time.
I prefer my escort service to bring me Kimber Henry (of Nip Tuck) :D

she'll really get me up and running. :rolleyes:


That is your downfall. But, be happy with your illusions.
Sure it is....say it to your self in the mirror over and over again and you could make it true. Hey, just because I hear a difference doesn't mean you will.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Good lord, I can hardly believe how big this thread has grown (mostly with off-topic arguing and sniping) in the short time since my last visit!


Audioholic Samurai
C'mon everyone. Why are you being so hard on the poor guy? With hearing as acute and refined as his, he is highly sought after for r&d in the labs at B&W...your next speaker may come with his stamp of approval affixed on the back.


Audioholic Overlord
I think it's B&W's fault. He is trying to impress everyone with his psychobabble when in reality he likely lives with his parents and has a HTIB…

C'mon everyone. Why are you being so hard on the poor guy? With hearing as acute and refined as his, he is highly sought after for r&d in the labs at B&W...your next speaker may come with his stamp of approval affixed on the back.
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