The Buckeye_Nut theater continues to slowly evolve. My latest evolution was to apply ceiling acoustic treatments. The reasons behind the change are two fold....
1. Acoustically....My low hanging ductwork served as the primary and most significant acoustic reflection point that had yet to be addressed. With the other primary areas of concern being treated, it truly seemed as if I could feel the reflections bouncing off that ductwork, and directly into my face during loud movie segments
2. Light reflections! My entire room darkens very nicely, but the ductwork remained as an annoying eyesore during movies. While the entire room melted away in darkness, the ductwork seemed to glare like a beacon in contrast.
For ceiling treatment, I chose Auralex 2'x4' foam panels with a 2" thickness, and I used four panels to treat an area 8'Wide by 4 feet in depth. I chose foam because it's virtually weightless, and I thought it would be the least intrusive under my low hanging ductwork.
This is the new front view in natural light. I did this to better convey how the room really looks in person. Artificial flash tends to make my entire room & paint scheme look much brighter and different than it does in person.
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The 2nd photo is a side perspective to show how the ductwork, treatments, and positioning all fit into the grand scheme of things under artificial light.
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Visually.... the change has made a huge impact and effectively eliminated my primary light-reflection point.
Acoustically... I have yet to put them to the test, but I will tonight