I keep hearing a song on the radio that I don't know who sang and what title, help!

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I keep hearing a song on the radio that I don't know who sang and what title, help!

the chorus has this part in the lyrics:
"on the radio o oh o oh"

and it has a rap part in the song.

it's not the donna summer version, this one's new, most likely a remake, a search on the net for "on the radio" led me to a lot of "on the radio" titled songs that had nothing to do with the one I'm hearing.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i'm gonna have to check that ... does this have the same tune as the 80's donna summer song?

(ok, I downloaded ALL "on the radio" songs I found on limewire) - the groove coverage COULD be one of those, but it might not be the song I'm hearing, I really think the one I'm hearing is a remake of the donna summer song.


Audioholic Spartan
It could be a new artist that is using only part of the lyrics from the Donner Summer song. I've heard quite a few newish songs that are like that - like one that uses the lyrics 'Take a look at my girlfriend...she's the only one I got'. It is not a remake of Supertramp - Breakfast in America but uses only that line with the same beat and same inflection in the voice.

If you hear the beginning of it and the first line is: 'Someone found the letter you wrote me on the radio and they told the world just how you felt' then it is a remake of the Donna Summer song.


Audioholic Warlord
I keep hearing a song on the radio that I don't know who sang and what title, help!
Just change the song to this one in your head. :eek: LOL

I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates (You've Got a Brand New Key)


Audioholic Ninja
Speaking of unknown songs. Does anyone know title/artist of the song used in the new Intel commercial that has a bunch of models building a hotrod motor? I swear it sounds like DEVO!


Junior Audioholic
Speaking of unknown songs. Does anyone know title/artist of the song used in the new Intel commercial that has a bunch of models building a hotrod motor? I swear it sounds like DEVO!
New tune by em I think "Watch us Work it".
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Black eyed peas - Pump it
i don't think so, isn't this an old song already (released some months back) with the video in the carpark or something?

thanks though, keep trying please!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Regina Spektor - Radio?
it's not that one, but because I was looking for the song I heard ...

I discovered that aside from "Samson" (and an acoustic version of "Samson"), I also like "Fidelity" and the song after that in the tracklist.

keep trying please, I'm so desperate, I am now searching for the radio station's phone number.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
It could be a new artist that is using only part of the lyrics from the Donner Summer song. I've heard quite a few newish songs that are like that - like one that uses the lyrics 'Take a look at my girlfriend...she's the only one I got'. It is not a remake of Supertramp - Breakfast in America but uses only that line with the same beat and same inflection in the voice.

If you hear the beginning of it and the first line is: 'Someone found the letter you wrote me on the radio and they told the world just how you felt' then it is a remake of the Donna Summer song.
yeah, a lot of rap songs do that, if it were really a remake, searching for it would have been faster.


Audioholic Ninja
Hey Mikey,

The inflection on the voice/chorus "on the radio" is definitely Donna Summer-esque.

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