I listen to a lot of XM in my truck and I thought it would be cool to have the internet version in the house played over my stereo. Well I set up a computer in the HT room and started the XM feed over the internet and it really sounds bad. I thought it was just my stock speakers in my Colorado but it sounds much worse in the house. I wish there was a version of satellite radio with less severe compression.
Hi Larry,
I don't have any experience with XM, but I've used Sirius for a few years now; I'll just assume they're similar.
My usage has been limited to the home only, no cars. I use a relatively cheap "Sportster" receiver feeding an analog signal to my preamp. We normally use it for background music; I don't think I've ever taken a seat and listened critically -- there's just no point!
However, I think you may be able to improve your sound quality, if you are willing to pay another bill (at least that's how it would work for Sirius). The Internet feed for Sirius is super-bad. It's convenient at work with headphones, and it's OK in my office if there's nothing else to listen to, but it sounds pretty bad. Try installing a receiver in your system that picks up the satellite signal directly. I think you'll find the sound much improved.