How's this for a beginner system



Am new to the whole world of higher-end stereos, having never had separates or anything like that before. Came across this "budget" system review the other day (the review itself is a couple years old). What do you guys think of this system? Good bang for the buck? Also, I'm thinking about getting into records again. Could anyone recommend a decent entry-level turntable that would match up well with the above-referenced system? Thanks.


Audioholic Ninja
While I don't know anything about the speakers referred to in your link I know Audioholics has a recommendations section that has a system in the same price range that sounds great. Check it out here. You will be hard pressed to find better speakers in the price range in my opinion.


Thanks for the reply. I checked out the equipment recommendations and they all were for home theater systems. I'm interested in a stand alone stereo only setup.


Thanks for the recommendation. Definitely gives me something to look into. The review of the amp/preamp on this site is certainly reassuring.

But what about Odyssey Audio? Do they have a good reputation? They seem to be very "boutique".
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
1500 bucks?

Monitor Audio RS6 or RS8 = 800 bucks to 1000 bucks
Monitor Audio RS1 with Velodyne SPL1200R


Rotel RC1070 and Rotel RB1070
Parasound P3 and A23


Audioholic Jedi
I'm interested in a stand alone stereo only setup.
What about one AudioSource AMP300 (150 wpc, 2 stereo inputs, channel balance + volume control) stereo integrated amplifier for $300 plus two Definitive Technology StudioMonitor 450 (frequency response 24 Hz-30 kHz because of built-in-subwoofer) for $600 = Total of $900?

The Audio Critic gave the Def Tech SM450 a great review.

Also, the AMP300 can be bridged to give you 470 Watts per channel!
They look great too!

So how about a 470 watts-per-channel stereo system with speakers that can go down to 24 Hz for $1,200?:D


Audioholic Jedi
Never quote the specs for DefTech, since we all know they are generally "optimistic".


Audioholic Jedi
Never quote the specs for DefTech, since we all know they are generally "optimistic".
TAC said that the Def Tech SM450s were very good down to 40 Hz, which is a lot better than most monitor systems out there.

“The SM450s are smooth sounding speakers. They performed admirably on recordings with high peak content, which profit from high play-back levels—big band material with prominent brass sections and drum rim shots, for example. On high-frequency sibilants they did quite well, reproducing them without harshness, strain, or spittiness.... The 450s did extremely well on classical and a cappella choral music, reproducing the voices and the room’s reverberant sound with great precision...Considering their great sound, I highly recommend the Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 450 speakers for stereo use or for home theater setup. Their high sensitivity and smooth response will be welcome in any music system.”


Audioholic Jedi
40Hz isn't 24Hz though, that is what I was getting at. Whether or not they are good speakers is a different story.


Audioholic Field Marshall
For 1500 I would definetly consider that system, Odyssey has a very good reputation actually, Although you wont hear much about it here. Odyssey has a forum on the audiocircle website which is here:

You'll be hard pressed to get something of the quality of those products for 1500. Give Klaus Bunge, The owner of Odyssey a call and he will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


Audioholic Jedi
I notice a lot of companies are very liberal when it comes their own specs (i.e. wpc, frequency response).
But is there a speaker company that is very accurate with their own specs?

I guess going down to 24 Hz is one thing, it's another when you're talking about the actual forceful impact of the subwoofer. Obviously, a big stand-alone subwoofer going down to 24 Hz will produce a lot more bass than a small bookshelf speaker going down to 24 Hz. There is no substitute for a real subwoofer, unless it's actually built into a lvery arge floor-standing tower speaker.

Alright, let me revise my $1,500 stereo system: 1 AudioSource AMP300 + 2 Def Tech BP7004 (300-watts, 10" powered subwoofer) = $1,500.


Audioholic Jedi
I have always figured they quote something like the -10dB or -6dB as their spec, which is odd considering the -3dB spec is more common. They are real numbers, but they are being a bit deceptive with it.


Audioholic Ninja
2.1 system

Here is another recomendation for a "audiophile" 2 channel system:

Onix Ref 1's: $5-600/pair (used)
AV123 X-sub: $200 (new)
Receiver of Integrated amp: $500+

If you want to expand into a 5.1 or 7.1 HT, also check out the Rocket and X-series speakers from AV123. I am currently running the Onix Ref 1's with an SVS SB12-Plus sub.


Thanks for all the recommendations guys. I'll definitely research the systems suggested, but am leaning heavily towards the Odyssey setup, which incidentally is now $1700, but includes the amp, preamp, speakers and cables and speaker wire. reading through the posts over at audiocircle's odyssey board -- especially the participation of Klaus himself - has made me a believer.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks for all the recommendations guys. I'll definitely research the systems suggested, but am leaning heavily towards the Odyssey setup, which incidentally is now $1700, but includes the amp, preamp, speakers and cables and speaker wire. reading through the posts over at audiocircle's odyssey board -- especially the participation of Klaus himself - has made me a believer.
My first speaker system was an NHT SuperZero (x5) and SW2P Powered Subwoofer (x1). Small speakers are great, but after a while I think most people will wonder if they should have gotten a floor standing tower speaker.

So before you buy any bookshelf/monitor speaker system, think about that.
Everyone knows that the most important components in your audio/HT system are the speakers.


I'm not too worried about buying bookshelves for now. Later down the road I can already think of several uses for them if I decide to upgrade to towers for the main system.

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis