Happy 4th of July! I went today to the outlet stores in Folsom today with my wife, and was walking around and stumbled onto a BOSE outlet store. My first inclination was to go and walk on the other side of the sidewalk, but I thought, oh what the heck. Why not give it a comparison, so that I can really enjoy what I already have. I walked in and the salesman came up to me to say hi. He told me that they had a presentation in the theater room set up and I was welcome to come and check it out. So I figured why not. I came in with my wife and two kids, and sat down. The first thing I see are these rather large tower speakers on some stands at the front of the room. I tried to see if they were some new Bose model, but it didn't say Bose on them. In fact it was not something that I recognized at all. I looked at the components sitting on the table at the front, and it looked like they were not even turned on. The center channel was a larger 8 inch cubical looking speaker sitting on the table. I thought that was kind of strange. I also spied an accoustimass in the corner behind some fake plants. Other than that, it was a typical small theater room.
So anyway, they started the presentation, and the gist of the presentation was "guys, do you want great sound, but your wives won't let you put up big speakers, and are you not smart enough to fumble around with CD's and don't know how to use a receiver etc, then get these really cool tiny little speakers and this media center and you won't have to worry about all this. At this point I figured ok, that makes sense, there are those who really have a major WAF issue, and then there are those who just don't want to deal with all the equipment. Ok, that makes sense. I guess if those people exist, fine. They don't have to have the nice stuff, more for me. But something was really bothering me about the whole thing. They kept busting on all these large speakers, etc and there were two big speakers sitting right there in the front of the room. Then at some point during the presentation, the salesguy walked in, and pulled the speakers away and I suddenly realized why they didn't sound right to begin with. They were the tiny little one or two inch cubes behind fake speakers! Gotta hand it to the Marketing department. That was a great touch.
Then they played a clip from Master & Commander, where they were firing a cannon. I told my wife to hold the kids ears in case it was really loud. I guess that wasn't necessary. It was loud, but quite disappointing really. It just didn't sound realistic to me, and I didn't feel anything shake. Anyway, after the thing was over, they brought us to another room and showed us a "normal" living room with a flat panel TV in the front and showed us the difference between the TV's speakers and the Bose speakers. There was a little bit of a difference, but the only real difference I really heard was that the sound was coming from further away from the screen, and it was just a tad bit smoother, not quite as harsh as the TV speakers. But not much.
So when he asked if we had any questions, I asked him how they store the CD's in the media center. Was it MP3 or WMA or what? He said it was something called AP3 or something, he wasn't sure. He said it was still compressed, but just not as much. I asked him if it was some kind of a proprietary compression scheme, but he couldn't tell me, he wasn't sure. So in essence it is still compressed. Owell, so was the sound coming from the speakers anyway. Though I have to admit, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. It sure didn't sound like my Martin Logans, obviously, but for those who aren't really into the gear and into the whole hobby etc, but still want to hear music, I guess this would be a good alternative for them after all. It's not for me, but hey, it has a place in the market I guess.
Oh, to top it all off, on the way home I asked my wife what she thought. She said first of all she thought the speakers were ugly. She liked my Mosaics better. !!!

She also said she was dissapointed during the cannon scene because it did not boom and shake the place like mine does. She said, I can feel that thing anywhere in the house, but sitting just a few feet away from this one, it didn't do much. (Dang I LOVE my wife!)