If you have a Best Buy or Circuit City near you, they usually have a section of discontinued, open box, demo items. SOMETIMES, with luck, you can get a really great deal. When CC discontinued Infinity,
and were down to the demo stuff and some of the new stuff, believe it or not, I picked up at a CC near where I work a PS-12 for $151.96. 12" 300watt and it is powerful. 3 days later at another CC near where I live, went in there while the wife was across the street at Target and found, "new", in the box (the box had been opened, but the item looked like it had never been taken out) the last CSW-10 they had. It was under a table of Harman receivers that were out box units, and I got that sub for $300. the PS-12 was a $450 sub, new, and the CSW-10 was, I think close to $1000.00 originally !! Check the local guys. I've seen Klipsch and JBL subs at BB either out of the box or even discontinued, discounted at 50%. JUST another option to consider. You'd be surprised what deals you can get locally without having to order off the web.