What I find interesting is they're making news out of a complete bum in attempt to demonstrate NFL neglect of former players.......
The NFLPA official said it also had lined up a job for DeMarco in Austin, Texas, but that he "no-showed."
A prominent ex-Jaguars player told ESPN that he and another former teammate "cringed" when they saw DeMarco appear at Monday's press conference. The ex-Jaguar did not want to be identified but said DeMarco has been given significant financial help by his former teammates, including three jobs "that he's blown."
"Now he's walking with a cane in front of cameras," the ex-Jaguar said. "Last time we saw him -- and it was in the past two weeks -- he didn't need a cane. He has some physical problems, yes, but there are other things going on there."
So basically, his current situation is self inflicted............. However, they're trying to make this slacker into a
helpless victim of the NFL.
Secondly.......... Signing an NFL contract isn't a contract for lifetime security. It's a short term career, and players should understand they'll need to contribute to society and support themselves once their playing days have ended.
As for the old timers from generations ago and their quest for more dough??? What are they gonna do..... sue for
back pay based on current high salaries?

Unfortunately for them, their case is standing on two bum legs. (pun intended)