When you have your own place, whether it is an apt or a house, you no longer have the luxury of someone to constantly clean up and believe me that will be an eye-opener.
As I said before, my house seems to get dirty just sitting there. The only thing is that when the kitchen counter is filled with mail, magazines, and assorted junk or the sink is filled with dirty dishes that should have been placed n the dishwasher, I know who caused the problem because I am the only one who lives in the house.
This is great... reminds me of last nights topic at my house. My female roommate who occasionaly admits to being my girlfriend went away for the weekend on a girls thing up north near canada at a cabin( cabin reads all inclusive gourmet place that has blueberry wildrice sausage for breakfast.. real roughing it.. anyway) and comes back and nearly hits me with a frying pan because the house is a mess... I cleaned up for like 6 hours prior to her arrival and the only thing left out was some food I was going to make her for a nice dinner as she wasn;t to be back untill after I got home from work....
Well to make a long story short, she said "I supose you did clean... and the house is clean... for a bachelor who lives alone which you are on the road to.''
As for the TV issue here... get a plastic bag fill with powdered sugar, hide behind TV. Go to school per usual. Come home and when she FREAKS out on you have her sample the powdered sugar for proof as it was a special assignment for science class.
Perhaps her lesson will be learned.
If not at least it will be amusing for us to read your post on it!
Best of luck, with a warranty fix, I hope everything goes well.