Is Fry's the type of employer who demands you sell X amount of plans per week or else they let you go? If not, do you have to meet any other type of quotas? Is your income based on sales commissions at all there?
Right now I work in sales for Staples, and there aren't any quotas that you have to meet at all, nor are there any commissions, you just have to at least offer plans to the customers and be as polite and accommodating to their particular business needs as possible. (IMO this is why Staples has been doing so well the last 10 years, customers really do like the no sales pressure environment.)
I was thinking about working at Fry's as a second job if they are the same way. Hard to get hours at this time of year at staples (easier towards the winter though.) Assuming of course, that fry's doesn't consider staples to be a competitor. I know staples doesn't consider themselves a competitor of fry's. Even though they both sell *some* of the same products, they both cater to a completely different type of customer.