This is a fun thread pearsall. Most of us here have probably thought about this ourselves, I know I have.
If we're talking in terms of DREAMING here... then I'd have to go exotic and go with a few of these: Halcro dm88, McIntosh MC2KW, or the Chord SPM 14000 ("Ultimate Monoblock")...
I probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I spent that much on an amplifier even if I could afford it. The most expensive amps I would realistically consider would be along the lines of the McIntosh MC501 monoblocks or if I found a couple mint preowned MC1200s like highfihoney has. I've listened to the MC402 enough to think I could really use one or two... (it's amazing what your mind can justify if you want it to...). I have intentionally not auditioned anything above the MC402 because I don't need to be thinking about shiny blue meter amplifiers right now, I'm going to be moving again next spring, so house hunting time is here again, and I must stay focused...
Of course, I love the blue meters... I've been in love with blue meters & dials in general since the 1970s Marantz & Altec equipment for which I can thank (blame) my father & godfather.
We didn't have any McIntosh equipment back then, it was high dollar equipment then too compared to most other amps.