Please help a cash poor newbie! Hello, I was hoping to get some advice on a system I'm putting together for my apartment. The goal is to have as good as possible music playback, without sacrificing (too much) in home theatre performance. I have spent the past 6 months acquiring the various speakers I wanted to use on Craigslist, Ebay, Audiogon etc. and am finally to the point of looking at a quality receiver or possibly used Rotel seperates if I can afford it. I've been looking at reviews for Denon 2807 which I can buy for around $900 or the Outlaw 1070 at the same price point and lately I've heard the Rotel separates, RSP-1068 and RMB-1075 and was real impressed (although not heard with the NHT speakers I have....SB3 mains, SC2 Center, SB1 surrounds and SubOne-i Subwoofer)) . I like the Denon for the future "proofing" features, the Rotel for the sound, and I have yet to hear the Outlaw so I really have no idea what the combination might sound like. A couple of local dealers here in the Twin Cities have cautioned me that the NHT speakers tend to require more amplification than most speakers and also that they sound overly "bright" and the british Rotel equipment might exaggerate that. Of course he sells Marantz....go figure. They are salesmen afterall, so I just wanted to get an unbiased viewpoint My questions are these: 1) Does anyone have any experience with any or all of these using the speaker combination that I have? and (finally...whew) 2) Any recommendations as to what the best choice would be for my speakers? I'm leaning toward the Outlaw, brand new at $899, but wanted to see if anyone has heard it first as there is no store where I can go audition one first) Thanks and sorry to be so long-winded