PS3 Update 5/24 Firmware 1.80



Audioholic Ninja
One of many links that can be found: Here

PS1, PS2 and DVD upscaling to 1080p (games through component and hdmi; dvds only through hdmi)

Also, world wide connectivity via wifi with PSPs and lastly DLNA compatibility.

Those are the major things. Should be a fun update for tomorrow.


Audioholic Jedi
I just installed it a little while ago. Upscaling also applies to DVDs and WOW does it make a big difference... I popped in Pan's Labyrinth which I just watched a few days ago and there is a lot more color and detail. I haven't tried out any PS2 games yet, but will try some out tomorrow and report back. At this point however, I am very impressed.


Ps3 Firmware 1.8

Could you send me a link to the update? I would be ever so greatful


Audioholic Ninja
Pwner: I looked on the official PS website and couldnt find it :-/ sorry

Quick question for anyone who has been playing with the update. I connected my PS3 to windows media player wirelessly to stream music and when I go into a folder for an album they are listed out of order even though media player and my computer have them listed properly. Anyone know how to fix that?


Ps3 Firmware 1.8

Where did J garcia get it? On his PS3?


Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, go to system then update and it will automatically download the update. If you try to log into PSN it will even tell you to update. Atleast mine did.


ps3 firmware update

Oh. Shoot. Well does anyone else know when Sony will put out the DL link to DL the update via PC?>


Audioholic Jedi
That's weird, I couldn't find it on their site either, I guess they don't have the page up yet. Yes, I have mine connected so as soon as updates are available it pops up and tells you (actually to log in, it requires the update).


Audioholic Spartan
This update is pretty pointless. When the hell is Sony gonna get off it's *** and provide an update that actually has something useful?!?!?

How about upscaling for PS 3 games???? My TV doesn't display 720, so all 720 games get downscaled to 480. LAME!!!


Full Audioholic
This update is pretty pointless. When the hell is Sony gonna get off it's *** and provide an update that actually has something useful?!?!?

How about upscaling for PS 3 games???? My TV doesn't display 720, so all 720 games get downscaled to 480. LAME!!!

A few questions...

The PS3 only outputs in 720P and not 1080i?

Your TV is an HDTV but doesn't allow 720p input?
How do you watch Fox-HD or ABC-HD, they are both 720p HD channels, iirc?

I have a 720p TV, but it accepts 1080i also and just converts it to 720p...I thought most HDTV's worked this way...



Audioholic Spartan
A few questions...

The PS3 only outputs in 720P and not 1080i?

Your TV is an HDTV but doesn't allow 720p input?
How do you watch Fox-HD or ABC-HD, they are both 720p HD channels, iirc?

I have a 720p TV, but it accepts 1080i also and just converts it to 720p...I thought most HDTV's worked this way...

My TV only supports 480i/p and 1080i. The PS 3 supports all resolutions, but since my TV can't do 720, all 720 content gets output as 480!

As for my HD channels, they display as 1080i. I don't know about any 720 HD channels.


Audioholic Jedi
Have you tried it out? I know with some of the 720p games, you can "force" 1080i mode. Resistance allowed me to do this, but I switched to 720p because the PS3 recommended that instead for 720p games.


Audioholic Spartan
Have you tried it out? I know with some of the 720p games, you can "force" 1080i mode. Resistance allowed me to do this, but I switched to 720p because the PS3 recommended that instead for 720p games.
I haven't downloaded the update and tried it, but I have tried to output 720 stuff before and I just get a blank screen. It's not the PS 3 that's the problem, it's my TV.

From everything I'm reading on the Playstation website, this update does not include PS 3 game upscaling. Apparently it will upscale demos of games for some reason, but not the full versions.


Audioholic Jedi
Upscaling works for PS1, PS2 games and DVDs, it doesn't work for PS3 games unfortunately. What happens if you set it to 1080i for output and then try a 720p game?


Audioholic Spartan
Upscaling works for PS1, PS2 games and DVDs, it doesn't work for PS3 games unfortunately. What happens if you set it to 1080i for output and then try a 720p game?
It dumps it down to 480p!


Junior Audioholic
Ok, the PS3 is more than powerful enough to actually render PS and PS2 games in HD instead of just upscaling. That's just bullcrap laziness on sony's part. If emulators of various game systems that have existed before can be set to non-native resolutions, the same can be done by the company that actually makes the system. This includes rendering in widescreen as well.


Audioholic Ninja
Personally Id rather sony focused more on the newer generation of games and system functionality than rendering of games so they are a little more pretty. Upscalling is good enough for games that were originally ment for 480i/p. Let them give us cool new features instead.


Audioholic Jedi
I agree. Notice that in Europe, the PS3 doesn't even play PS1/PS2 games... Sony disabled or removed the emulator.

Did anyone see the blurb that the Korean PS3s come with an 80G HDD?
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Audioholic Ninja
They removed the emotion engine from the UK edition of the ps3 and are planning on doing the same long term in america. Instead hoping to use emulation to run the ps2 games.

The 80gig is also planned in the US's future from what I have heard. Sounds pointless to me though, considering that its so easy to upgrade the internal or just attatch an external.


Audioholic Jedi
So the emulator is there in the UK? I heard you would not be able to play them at all, but then I am not there and don't have that problem :) I don't really play any PS2 games on the PS3 anyway...the only two so far have been Okami and GOW2, which are likely the last 2 PS2 games I will buy.

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