both of my media players support wma so I am going to try that out. FLAC appears to be widely accepted but I don't see how I could play that through my A/V sytem.
I have nearly 10,000 songs ripped to FLAC and I've found that there are a few ways to get the music to the listing room. There are wireless transmitters that are format neutral. My experience with them is very limited. Others have had good experiences with the better products and I'll leave it them to share their knowledge with you. On the low-end Logitech's wireless solution works okay up to about 30 feet but I find it skips when trying to reach the other end of the house. I use it strictly for streaming audio into my bedroom.
I think that the real solution, for my home anyway, is an audio server in or near my entertainment center. I've experimented with an old PC and although the computer fan noise was awful, the sound was pretty good. I'm now in the process of rebuilding the audio server using a combination of new and salvaged components. This includes a new very low noise case and power supply, an old motherboard, and an old fanless video card.
On the portable front Cowen makes a couple of FLAC friendly players.