I'm trying to get some suggestions to give to my cousin. He's presently running some sort of Polk HTIB speakers (unsure of model) off an old Onkyo TX-SV424. I've had a hard time even finding anything on this receiver....seems it's only an old ProLogic model.
Anyway, I've already told him he'd be better off starting with a speaker upgrade, but he says he's thrilled with the sound from whatever it is he has. So, I'm looking for some A/V receiver suggestions to bring him into the world of improved sound!
Price range is $400-$500 and he's looking to use it as the hub for his system, so it needs video switching. HDMI may not be a requirement but a bonus if it fits the price. I believe he runs everything to a 55" Sony HD RPTV. Not sure if it's CRT or DLP or how he has it cabled. I hope to be able to eyeball this setup sometime this week for a better idea of where he stands.
I favor H/K but want to present him with a few other alternatives....Onkyo, Pioneer, Yahmaha.