There are about 5 settings for the picture: pure, standard, dynamic, game, and movie. you can change each of these to suit your tastes EXCEPT dynamic, which, coincidentally, is the worst one, in my opinion. Game, straight out of the box, is abit on the greenish side and noticeably bright, but not bad for Doom3 or Forza Motorsport (or DOA3). I set the color temp to midlow for all settings, bumped the contrast down some on movie, and other than that I haven't diddled with it since. Of course, I still haven't found my copy of DVE yet so I'm hoping to get it dialed in this weekend (if I find it).
From my viewing position (about 11 or 12 feet away), the picture is, well, the only way to describe it is
lush: in the beginning of LotR when Frodo is sitting under the trees and hears Gandalf coming, the picture almost seems 3D, with none of the overly crisp edges or supersaturated colors I've come to expect from LCD. The same applies to the Rivendell scenes. The blacks
can be stunning in the right environment: I popped in Underworld this past Saturday afternoon to see what impact the western windows had on the picture quality. Suffice it to say, dark movies are best viewed in a low light settings (but you knew that, or you wouldn't have been shopping plasmas). At night, or with the blinds drawn, the 720p image is everything I expected and more-you can just about tell if Kate Beckinsdale is cold in that tight little vampire suit of hers.

I'm running DishHD to it now for my TV signal, and it does as good a job of scaling Hd and nonHD signals as it does showing the 720p signal from my player-the thing is just a pleasure to watch.
Shipping from Abe's took about a week: I placed the order late Thursday morning, and the following Tuesday the speakers, tablestand, and wall mount showed up here in Denver...the monitor itself was delivered 3 days later, Friday morning between 7 and 9 o'clock, so all in all it took 8 calendar days from ordering to delivery.'re gonna love the bloody thing
