Mainly I looked at the
budgeting your home theatre guide for basic ideas of how to split up the money. I'm planning on sifting through those other guides for component recommendations as well. Truly endless resources on this site. Thank you.
What could be more fun than spending someone else's money on audio\video equipment?????
I would nible a little bit out of the source, receiver, and display budget and realocate to the speakers and\or sub budget.
Don't forget a good remote, broadcast quality cables, and quality surge protection. An OTA antenna can pay for itself, as well, if being charged for local channels.
I completely agree about spending other peoples money. The best part is that he actually trusts me, and I'll get to come along with him and his wife to all the auditions, and I'll probably be responsible for setting it up. And thus he'll owe me even more.
I was considering slicing the receiver budget by 300-400 and putting that into a bit of the sub and speakers. 700-900 will get him a decent sub from SVS or HSU I figured, and allow him to go as high as 2500 in the speaker area if needed. I'd take out some for the display, but I'm pretty sure he's not gonna consider a projector with all the windows in his living room, so I figure it needs to be kept high in order to get a pretty good LCD/Plasma/projection set.
The sources and etc budget is actually meant to cover a remote, cables, dvd-player, and a turntable or Squeezebox or cd player for stereo. It's tight enough already, I think. He's already got a few surge strips (I don't think he needs a conditioner or filter thingy yet, right?), and I have the SPL meter and Avia (plus nifty blue filter glasses I got from THX free) to lend.
That new Onkyo looks pretty good and fits snugly in the budget, but I think we're gonna need to figure out the speakers first to make sure 90wpc is enough. I'm pretty sure it will be though. Thanks for that.
Oh and jcPanny, I plan on having him listen to the X-LS as I've ordered a pair to audition, so we'll see what he thinks. I'd love to convince him to try the Stratas, mainly so I could see/hear/touch them myself, but he's not keen at all on paying return shipping. It would really need to come out of his total budget. We'll see.
Thanks for all the help.