I've had a lot of help here before, but I wasn't sure which section to use, so I went here. Anyway, I've taken a bunch of old vinyl recordings and recorded them onto my computer at 96 kHz/16 bit WAV files, so that I can remove pops and clicks more cleanly and that I don't lose any of the sound when I do this. So now I need to downconvert these 96 kHz files to 44.1 kHz so I can burn them onto a CD, because when I burn them straight onto a CD, it sounds a bit funny. I don't know what application to use, but I'd like to do it so that it doesn't lose a lot, like I'm not sure if I want to do it in iTunes. So if anyone has any suggestions for a free application to downconvert 96 kHz to 44.1 kHz, please tell me. By the way, I'm using a Mac, so if that limits my options, I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.