Intelligent Design ruling

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Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Did anyone see this?

By LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 18, 7:46 PM ET

CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff's remarks on Islam.
That's just great. Now I have to take up a new religion. It's not bad enough there's questions about my current faith. :mad:

Here's the article. I think the Pope might have started a domino effect with his lack of full apology (and his initial statements about Islam).


Audioholic Field Marshall
Buckeyefan 1 said:
...I think the Pope might have started a domino effect with his lack of full apology...
What's done is done. Besides, a full apology would not appease everyone. In any event, if saying you are "deeply sorry" isn't full enough an apology, I don't know what is.


Full Audioholic
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
Yeah, 'F' the NRA.

But they aren't Anti-War protests, they are Anti-Gay/Lesbian protests held at military funerals, otherwise nobody would pay any attention to them.

PS: just kidding NRA, I still like you, even if you do manage to misallocate all our dues to your own pockets while allowing the government to take even more of our guns away every year. I mean, sure I had access to more and better self-defense firearm 100 years ago, and didn't have to have my fingerprints taken and be put on every watchdog list in 50 states.. But I know you're trying ;)
You had access to more and better self defense firearm(s) 100 years ago?

You're the world's oldest living man? :p Just kidding. But what kind of gun could you get 100 years ago that you can't get now?

Let's see, I can buy single and double action revolvers, semiautos of any size up to .50 caliber with huge magazines, semiauto rifles in any caliber, shotguns too. What don't they make any more, Gatling guns?

I've never been fingerprinted for a gun. A background check, sure, but no fingerprints. I've recently bought a couple of handguns (.357 and a .40S&W) online, and it really couldn't have been easier. What watchdog lists am I on?


Audioholic Ninja
JoeE SP9 said:
The Pope was right. He shouldn't have apoligized.:D
Pope..."Islam has turned to the violence allowed under the edicts of the great Prophet."

Noted Islam Imam..."That is a big fat lie. We are NOT violent or uncivilized. We will kill you for that insult. We will also place camel dung upon your grave."
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
hemiram said:
You had access to more and better self defense firearm(s) 100 years ago?

You're the world's oldest living man? :p Just kidding. But what kind of gun could you get 100 years ago that you can't get now?
My great-grandfather bought a Thompson & Co. automatic .45 at the drugstore for $22.

Thats a serious heater no matter what year you live in.


Senior Audioholic
Man, everyone gets so darn worked up over religion, its just annoying.


Full Audioholic
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
My great-grandfather bought a Thompson & Co. automatic .45 at the drugstore for $22.

Thats a serious heater no matter what year you live in.
That's true. Just think if you could go back in time and buy some cheap guns and musclecars....ah, what a wonerful world it would be..
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
This is good stuff...

Didn't know if any of you saw this today. Very interesting...
Pope approves report on teaching limbo - Yahoo! News

Some quotes from the article...

Pope Benedict XVI has reversed centuries of traditional Roman Catholic teaching on limbo, approving a
Vatican report released Friday that says there were "serious" grounds to hope that children who die without being baptized can go to heaven."...

"If there's no limbo and we're not going to revert to St. Augustine's teaching that unbaptized infants go to hell, we're left with only one option, namely, that everyone is born in the state of grace," said the Rev. Richard McBrien, professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame...

The document traces centuries of Church views on the fate of unbaptized infants, paying particular attention to the writings of St. Augustine — the 4th century bishop who is particularly dear to Benedict. Augustine wrote that such infants do go to hell, but they suffer only the "mildest condemnation."...

No one can know for certain what becomes of unbaptized babies since Scripture is largely silent on the matter, the report said...

It stressed that none of its findings should be taken as diminishing the need for parents to baptize infants...

"Rather ... they provide strong grounds for hope that God will save infants when we have not been able to do for them what we would have wished to do, namely, to baptize them into the faith and life of the church."...

He said the document also had implications for non-Christians, since it could be seen as suggesting that non-baptized adults could go to heaven if they led a good life...

"I think it shows that Benedict is trying to balance his view of Jesus as being central as the savior of the world ... but at the same time not saying what the Evangelicals say, that anyone who doesn't accept Jesus is going to hell," he said in a phone interview.


Audioholic General
So that means most of us 1 billion Indians and that includes myself as well as 1 billion Chinese, Thais, Cambodians, Vietnamese and others are all going to hell. :) :) :) that would be some company for sure.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
So that means most of us 1 billion Indians and that includes myself as well as 1 billion Chinese, Thais, Cambodians, Vietnamese and others are all going to hell. :) :) :) that would be some company for sure.
Religion is an amazing thing, isn't it? And to think we still don't have an answer to the missing link except for the guy on the Geico commercials. :)


Audioholic Ninja
Watch it buddy, we have enough problems with the lizard. Stupid lizard.


Seriously, I have no life.
So that means most of us 1 billion Indians and that includes myself as well as 1 billion Chinese, Thais, Cambodians, Vietnamese and others are all going to hell. :) :) :) that would be some company for sure.
I don't know of anyone who went anywhere after death. But, I have read about people winning those huge lotteries and smaller ones:D


Seriously, I have no life.
Religion is an amazing thing, isn't it? And to think we still don't have an answer to the missing link except for the guy on the Geico commercials. :)
We need to get this thread up to the triple 666:D


Full Audioholic
So the first page of this thread pertained to the eaching of evolution and intelligent design: I jumped directly to this page next, which started with a comment on buying Thompsons at a drugstore, slipped to the Geico gecko, and finished up on the number of the's almost enough to make me go back and read the whole thing.

Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Am I the first person to think that combining baby baptism and "life begins at conception" could be conjoined into one super-ceremony that would guarantee a full house at every church in the world?
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