If you double the power (watts) to a speaker, the "loudness" gain is 3 decibels, and three decibels is barely audible, or at least nowhere near twice as loud. To double the apparent loudness, you need roughly 10x the power, or about 10 decibels.
Let's assume a speaker has a sensitivity rating of 90db/watt. It would chart out like this:
1 watt = 90 db
2 watts = 93 db
4 watts = 96 db
8 watts = 99 db (now we've just about doubled the 1 watt loudness)
16 watts = 102 db
...and on and on. Double one side, add three to the other. Repeat as needed.
For more than you probably want to know about this, this site does a fairly decent job of explaining it in detail. Most certainly better than I can.
Don't take it personally. Many people confuse these two.