Hi all,
Speaker audition #2,
First up; Def Tech Mythos 3 as R/L, Mythos 2 as Center, BPX as surrounds, and Super Cube II as sub; These sounded okay, but not great. Started off with the gems as the surround, but did not like the variation in sound as you moved around the room. So we switched to the BPX and they were better. The mains and the center channel sounded about the same as the B&W FPM 4 from day one, which was pretty good. The super cube was a disappointment.
Second was NHT 3 as R/L, no center channel, no surrounds, Velodyne 8' sub. This one was difficult to get a good feel. The NHT's sounded good and the sub was good too, but without surrounds and center hard to make a comparision. The dealer had suffered some water damage to the store, that is why no center or surrounds. I think I would like to give these another chance with the full system.
Third was Vienna Acousitcs the wall mount series (Schoneberg, Waltz, etc.) Going in I had high hopes for these, but came away very disappointed. The highs drowned out everything. While listening to Carmina Burana you could not here the alto voices at all. On the positive side the Schonenbergs probably had the best bass so far with out a sub.
Fourth was Linn. Going in I had not heard of these, but the sales guy thought that they might fill the role we are interested in. I did not get the model on these but they were wall mountable. But they too were disappointing. With this set I did not hear the same clarity as either the Gallo, B&W, or even the Def Techs. The bass was also very muddy to my ears (wifes ears too).
Last was B&W XT2 as R/L, XTC as center LM1 as surrounds and SV1 as the sub. We both liked these better than the FPM 4 from before but we are very concerned about using these in our space. Just don't think they will be able to handle the room.
We are actually a little down after today. It just seems that we are not able to find tower quality sound in an on-wall. (While still staying within budget) We may have to rethink 7.1 and maybe drop to 5.1 to maximize our dollars. Also as I thought when we started this, it is difficult to audition the on-walls due to the set-up's in the stores.
On the projector side of things, we did see the Sim2 Domino 80 1080p projector and WOW

It was awesome. The colors were superior to the epson and the clarity was just incredible. BUT, I am beginning to hate this word, the cost was $10k which is double of the projector budget. So for all of you with $10k to spend on a projector, go check that one out.
Our next hope with speakers are RBH, triads, and Vandersteen. Just have to find dealers for these brands close to us.
So the journey continues.....