That's right. You bought a new high definition television at your favorite big box store. You brought it home or had it delivered. You connected it up just right and made sure you had all the right cables (and boy did THEY cost a pretty penny). But do you have HDTV? Do you? You do? Are you SURE?
I guess even the idiot adminstrator is gulliable. You shop at Best Buy (worst buy) too?
I bet you even think you need the 130USD monster cable too? Educated by Best Buy, scarry.......
God there is a sucker born every second.....and they all think they know it all.
All joking aside, HD cables are cheap (about 5 bux) and are all made to the same specs. There is no need for the over priced garbage that they sell at those over priced "discount" stores. It is the biggest joke to think you need the monster truck cable when HD requirements are very specific.
I got my HD cables (plus the DVD player) free from Direct TV. They set up the HD box correctly and I expect about 50 HD channels in the next year. WHo knows how many after that. Even the BBC is in HD.
The picture is amazing on my 48in LCD, 1080.