I'll share my subwoofer shopping experience which is relevant to the above discussion. I scoured the brick & mortars for subwoofers before deciding to purchase online from SVS.
First of all, I set a 'tentative' budget of <$1,500. I thought surely I could find a subwoofer that wowed me within my budget. After demoing several, I soon learned the task was much more difficult than expected. Throughout my sub shopping journey, it seemed that most subs that impressed me were in the >$3,000 price range. (very frustrating indeed, because I didn't want to spend that much!!)
The only sub I found that I wanted to buy close to my stated budget retailed for $2,000 at that time. I thought to myself, surely a subwoofer exists within my budget that I'll like. I was on the verge of expanding my budget when I decided to research the web. During that process, I stumbled onto SVS as well as several other internet brands. I used anonymous $2,000 SUB "X" as my benchmark, because it was the sub that wowed me closest to my price range. (albeit in a 'smallish' sound room)
After researching internet brands, I took the leap of faith and purchased the PB12/Plus2. All I can say is WOW..... It's in a different league, as it should be. After all, there is a lot more to the Plus2 compared to the anonymous SUB X so it should be no surprise. On paper, it was more impressive in every way, and the only way to find out if it was a paper tiger or the real thing........ was to take the leap of faith to find out for myself.
Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to knock SUB X, because the sub I used as my benchmark is an excellent sub!! I'm only trying to demonstrate how you can buy more sub for the same $$ through internet brands. The plus2 is apples to oranges compared to X, and it still cost $650 less!!
While it's true I dont own the SVS plus, now that I've had extensive experience with the SVS brand and the Plus2, it's my opinion that the SVS Plus and "X" are probably relative equals......... only the SVS plus can be shipped for <$1,000!!
In summary.... yes, there are many great subwoofers to be found at brick and mortars............. just be prepared to pay significantly more for similar performance compared to what you can buy from an internet brand. Granted, if you're shopping for a sub in over $5,000 price range, what I say might not easily apply. However, in the <$2000 price range, it certainly does!!
my 2 cents