thanks for the warm welcome! This is my story...
I have a big projector. I love it. I had a little bitty aiwa box with littla aiwa speakers. I needed more. I came across a free pair of big 4 foot tall sony home theater surround, and build in subtowers, but while moving from my last home to my current space the rears went MIA. The towers sounded impressive in my bedroom for cumputer speakers(I love loud and full sound) they left something out when I put them next to the 80 inch screan. This was ok untill..... I heard some mildly decent set up. I was caught up in the full rich sound but not impressed. I went to some local chain best buy ultimate electronics. I was confident shopping there but not impressed with the product even at the top price point. Then I found the one lonely shop. I little place just for people who wanted more. I was AMAZED at the sound stage when I closed my eyes, the new NHT classic 3's broke my ear cherry. I told him to show me what the towers could do, deeper fuller and nice. I needed an upsell however! I heard some maggies (powered by a very sexy mcntosh 2 chan) and almost died right there. Mind you I have still yet to hear anything in true surround sound only 2 chanell so far.
I now found myself in over my head and in a weird area of price not seaming so comfortable. As with everything else there is a price/quality ration that is unique to everyone. Cars TV's speakers... it's all widgets how much can you spend to have the nice widget??
While wading through the adds and posts and reviews I found this place. I sunk into some of the posts and was impressed, this is one of the more non biased to a certain brand forums. Here I am lost in a world I am uncertain about...
Oh..... I got lucky here all... the G/F encouraged this crazy endevour. The sports car she nixed. The car audio she balked at, but when I came home saying I wanted to go check out high end audi she said..."ok, I'll come with it will be fun"
I don't want to expand too much(well more than I have here already) but here is my current bare bones set up. Room is 80% underground with panal over concrete. Room size is 30'x11'x8.3' 4 foot high shelf comming 2.5 feet into the room from one end and the screen is 3 feet in from that facing the long stretch down the rest of the room. I have a recent addition as I am fully complete bass crazed individual a velodyne dps 10". I want my body to vibrate when a rocket takes off in armagedon, or something explodes(don't have it placed next to a poorly sealed cellar door boys

). I feel I still need more but the cupboards upstairs would probably revolt, and the lady draws the line at the doors rattling.
I would like to go minimum 5.1. I don't see a point in 7.1 for cost vs what I will use/get out of it. I would like it to be very loud and very "full". I HATE the bright sound most speakers send to my ear, and I am intrigued by a hollographic sound stage. The NHT classic 3's seamed to be a great speaked but not quite as full and dynamic, perhaps the set wasn't broken in and I didn't get the chance to realy explore the highest volume as the test room was small and hard to tolerate as the volume creeped up. The maggies were incredable but seamed intimidating for room size and I would have to make the room work for the speaker instead of the reverse. They seam to be from what my ears tell me more music and less theater and I can't afford both... yet. I would definately like some help in this department as to where some different speaker brands as my options for speakers to listen to are quite limited.
For receivers I have all but made up my mind and am pretty impressed with NAD. I like the design the simplicity and I could hear a difference when put next to a dennon of equal price. I'm open to hearing what people would suggest to look at however.
That's where my knowlegde ends though. I know what I liked from what i heard and what I didn't. I don't know value however and I don't know if I can say it's quality because I liked what I saw and heard. It's better than what I have so it's all quite impressive and overwhelming and I just don't know what to look for in raw data etc.
I have a price limit of 3500 for the set up pre wires. I have about 2500 ready to fly now and will see the rest soon, and plan to buy in segments so I can tweak the set up and find what works for me best.
There is tons of great info here and all comments and help is appreciated!
thanks for reading the rant!