One of the arguments presented in the web forum thread I’ve already examined on a previous article is that there is a difference between a bi-wired speaker system and conventional wiring due to a difference in their cable power dissipation behaviours. So let’s examine the systems described in the thread and see what difference there may be between them in practice.
Discuss "Bi-wiring Part 2: The Cable Conundrum" here. View the article at:
Nice. Thanks for putting the link up. Could you fix those apostrophies?..
Ok, where to start...
In Modulation muddle, the following:
I was quoted saying(highlights mine)
jneutron said:
The result? In a monowire setup, the current of one signal will modulate the losses that are caused by the other...
Jims verbage:
jim said:
The conclusion of the above argument is that the current for one signal component “modulates” that for the others, and hence creates a form of ‘intermodulation distortion’ (as is claimed in other postings in the web forum thread).
Hmmm...apparently "modulate the losses" means "intermodulation distortion.", which was not what I said there. I said the current of one will modulate the losses of the other. That seems a simple enough sentence. Any deviation of one signal as a result of another is indeed distortion, and the fact that another signal caused it is indeed classified as an intermodulation effect. That does not mean it will show up using the classical definition of IM distortion.
And now, lo and behold...there is indeed the dissipation modulation I specified in detail, here's jim's "new" verbage: (highlights mine)
jim said:
The above results do seem to present us with an anomaly or paradox, as described in the web thread. The signal power level and current injected into the system by the amplifier is identical in both arrangements. Each speaker unit has the same power, current, and voltage delivered to it with both arrangements. Yet the cable loss patterns are different! The monowired case shows a ‘cross product’ term involving both signal frequencies which is absent when the system is bi-wired.
hmmm..again, this is precisely what I said..If one recalls my "2AB" part.
interesting..Now, for the conclusions from the first page :
jim said:
The claim muddles time variations in the power level with time variations in the voltage and current.
No, it presented exactly the dissipation variations caused by monowiring vs biwiring. This fact is indeed confirmed by Jims "new and improved" page.
jim said:
It confuses the effect of a square-law relationship between current or voltage and power with a claimed effect of the presence of cable resistance.
No, it presents exactly the square law relationship between current and dissipation within the wire.
jim said:
It directs attention onto the power dissipation in the cable, and away from considering the signal voltage, current, and power patterns at the speaker.
No, it presents the difference between wire losses in each case. Again, jim did a bang up job in presenting graphs in the new and improved page, again confirming exactly what I've said.
jim said:
Focussing on the cable, it does not notice that the voltage, current, and power patterns at the speaker and amplifier output have the same shapes with or without the cable resistance.
hmm...amp applies voltage, cables have different losses, yet speakers react the same even though one wireset dissipates differently from the other..
Gee, that is indeed a conundrum...
This paragraph is the far more interesting one, this from the new and improved page.
jim said:
The signal power level and current injected into the system by the amplifier is identical in both arrangements. Each speaker unit has the same power, current, and voltage delivered to it with both arrangements. Yet the cable loss patterns are different! The monowired case shows a ‘cross product’ term involving both signal frequencies which is absent when the system is bi-wired.
numbers time...
1. the amp injects the same power into each arrangements..
2. the speakers each get the same power.
3. the wires dissipate differently.
If one applies the first law of thermodynamics to these sentences, the conclusion is, all three of these together violate the first law. So, what is amiss?
My prediction is that jim will produce at leasts two more new and improved pages to debunk my analysis. Alas, the next one will conflict with his sentence:
jim said:
As a result, the two behaviours cancel out, and the two arrangements behave identically so far as the amplifier and speaker units are concerned. Thus if out interest is in comparing the arrangements for the task of conveying signals from the amplifier to the speaker units, then they are indistinguishable. The ‘internal’ details differ in terms of how energy is stored or dissipated, but this has no consequence so far as using the system is concerned.
Interesting that the energy that is stored in the speaker does so differently in each case, yet the drivers which are connected in series with each energy storage device (which somehow stores different amounts of energy)....are immune to this difference..
Key word to consider: Phase.
AH: I do enjoy this avenue of dialogue..thank you for continuing it. It is a wonderful way to invoke thinking..
Cheers, John