I don't think it's CRT vs. newer tech. It's the viewing distance.
What's the maximum size for a CRT? 42" or so? Proportionally, how far does one sit from a SD 4:3 CRT?
What's considered a large screen HDTV? Up to 100"' and more? Again, proportionally, how far does one sit from a new tech HD TV? Odds are it's a lot closer then the CRT.
So, you're sitting (proportionally) farther away from a relatively small screen CRT and comparing it's resolution while sitting (proportionally) closer to a much larger screen.
Since you can only expand a 480 (or any resolution for that matter) picture so many times (like the digital camera pixels example someone used), if you sit close enough to a big enough set, you're naturally going to see every imperfection possible. By the same token, If you sit close enough to a CRT you'll notice them, too.
All else being equal, if you're sitting the same actual distance from both, naturally the larger screen will be more likely to show any problems than the smaller screen, regardless of the technology employed.
But, if you sit far enough away from either, you won't notice them.
It's not a matter of CRT VS new tech, it's a matter of viewing distance.