I just located this website and it looks like just what I've been trying to find, straight information about audio that I can't find anywhere else. I just added a pair of Klipsch KG4s as front speakers with a pair of Snell Acoustics C1s for the side surround. It isn't much, as the're being driven by only Pioneer VSX-D912 audio-video multi-channel receiver. I just rewired the speakers with 12 gauge AR pro series II wire. I was told by Pioneer service I could use different length wire to each speaker, and I did. (My left front speaker is only 4' from the receiver while the right front is 19'. I used to use 20' for each speaker, figuring it was important each speaker get the same amount of signal, although I was using at best 16-18 gauge wire. The Klipsch speakers seem to sound great with the new wire, they sounded pretty good with the old wire too. Did I do good or do I have to buy more wire?