I have already connected the Rotel RB-985 THX to the receiver rxv-1600 and just used the front channels to power my Paradigm Studio 20's and have the yamaha power the center and the rest of the speakers. The sound outputted by the Rotel amp seemed under powered and I thought it would be more powerfull than the yammy. I don't know if I had missed a step somewhere. My questions are??
A) Should I connect all my speakers to the Rotel amp?
B) I read somewhere about the two components had to be somewhat same tonal qualities.
I had just thought the Rotel amp would make my system sound better and then some, + it's just collecting dust anyway.....
C) I am just fooling myself??
Thanks for your help in advance
P.S Is Blue Ray taking the lead over HD-DVD.. Is the PS3 unit a better buy to get into the Blue-Ray than X-box 360?