Safer for the person in the H2 perhaps, in a two car crash, having an advantage in mass gives the driver in the larger car a better chance of survivability (because his car will be decelerating slower then the other, smaller car), but the driver in the smaller car will not fair as well.
I work for a company that makes rescue equipment for auto accidents (think "Jaws of Life"), and I can tell you, that what you drive and how little damage said vehicle has after a crash are not always a good indicator of crash survivability; force = mass * velocity (squared), so the forces you body undergoes as it decelerates in a crash get
very large
very quickly.
At around highway speeds (60 - 70 MPH or so) in a crash, it's not uncommon for a persons legs to split open, because our skin doesn't have the tense strength to hold the leg mussels in at such high forces (even with just one car involved).
On that gruesome note
o ), the moral of the story is to pay attention to your driving so as to avoid a crash, and not cause a crash yourself.