Being that you pointed out that pro amps are junk for home audio i ask you this.
Have you ran any pro amps in your home set up,if so please name the models & the models of high end amps you've compared the pro amps against.
Btw,i have a Crown pro amp right now that sounds & performs as good as a pair of $22,000 Mcintosh monoblocks.
Thanks, HiFiHoney, I've thought about checking out a "loaner" or a 30 day "trial purchase" to check this at home...probably the only way (BTW I've enjoyed many of your previous posts on other threads and the pics are awesome! You obviously have something to say about amplification).
And thanks, Moverton, for the response, but let's be sure you're talking about my system and not something from another thread ...I'm running the largest reference series speakers that Klipsh made until last year. I've got around $5K in 5 speakers so I'm not trying to crank out loud sounds thru a K-mart system.
I'm quite aware of the quality that the Yammi RX-V2600 puts out having enjoyed it for more than a year....however, the Klipsh RF-7 main pair is a challenging speaker set and I'm making sure that I'm getting the most out of them.
To Gov, yep, loudness is not the problem...I'm not sure there even is a problem...but I'm looking for experience to tell me if my RF-7 pair will show better dynamics, staging, and fullness with dedicated amplification or not...maybe may be as good as it gets now; however, some speaker threads I read suggest that dedicated amps for the main two channels are a "must have". Asking and checking is part of the fun.
And did I properly audition this set-up? Of course...but when you get home and time passes, then the itch starts....I'm glad I don't do drugs.