Hello all. As I'm sure this will become painfully apparent, I am new to this maze of audiophile/near audiophile quality HT systems. I apologize in advance if this question seems stupid.
In any event, I have just purchased a new Pioneer Elite VSX-84TXSi (which I will not receive until Tuesday) and was at Best Buy purchasing what I thought would be the proper set of cables to get the most out of my HT system. However, in doing so, the seemingly knowledgeable sales person told me something that seems contrary to what would expect.
One of the many reasons I finally settled on this receiver was due to its HDMI video upscaling and upconversion abilities, just assuming the 5.1 surround sound audio would also be covered by the HDMI cable. As such, I had planned that I would run a single HDMI cable from my DVD player into the Receiver and then a single HDMI cable from the Receiver to the TV, and both video and audio would be all set. However, the sales person at Best Buy indicated that this would not be sufficient to get true surround sound.
Basically, he said that while hooking up the system as I planned would certainly work, that the HDMI cable would not support true 5.1 surround sound. He indicated that if I did that way, I would get great video, but I would only get 2.1 sound because that is all HDMI cable would support. So he indicated that in addition to the HDMI cable, that I would also need to use a digital optical and/or digital coax cable from the DVD player to the receiver in order to get true 5.1 surround sound (something about HDMI 1.1 was all the cable would support - although the receiver is HDMI 1.2).
If what he said is correct and I have to use the additional cable, it is not a big deal, but it is contrary to how I thought HDMI was supposed to work (I thought it was supposed to handle full digital video as well as audio all in one cable). Was he correct? Can it really be true that if I just use the HDMI cable from my DVD player to my receiver that I won't get true 5.1 surround sound?
If somebody knows whether this is true or not, I would really appreciate knowing the correct answer. If it is true that I should also hook up a a digital optical or digital coax cable, is digital optical so much better than digital coaxial that it is really worth buying another expensive cable (as I think I may already have an extra digital coax cable)? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!