IMO they are allready doomed.
For one I did see a HD DVD on a 1080P TV, one of the few out there against the same brand, non 1080P with the same movie, standard disc upconverted. I wasnt impressed in the least and would agree just having a new HD ready TV is awe, those arent. Could be the movie ?????
But forget us, the few nutty enough to venture into this. I work with people that are just making ends meat right now. When the full transition is into place for TV broadcasting leaving them to get some kinda of converter and or the current pricing comes down favorable for the TV's they may purchase these, but would leave them stone broke for a current HD DVD player or still not being able to use one. These people are tickled to death with WallyMart $29 players they just could afford that on this new TV they just could also afford, why would they want more.This is a masses problem and poor timing with having just TV itself costing IMO.
Now even from my stand point of having money to go the next step, the nerve/stupidity whatever you may call it. I've seen technology bit my backside too many times over the last 25 years. Bought computers which are a prime examples and the kids game systems. When I bought it , it was the latest and greatest out there only to find out 2 months later and less its super outdated. Least with those it still worked fine, sometimes upgradable and software and the likes could run on systems from 300 to well over a gig and you really at times couldnt tell. This isnt like that, nothing has been settled yet, doesnt look like it would be either and if I go on the trends of the past 25 years, HD DVD and Blueray by the time its settled, and also rumor has it, something else better will be out. Why buy one of these if it can only play a certain way, certain connection and so on.
Enough of the ramblings, but I dont think it has a chance and I'm into this new stuff!!!!!